lt;pgt;Transitioning from a functional role to a strategic business partner requires more than a new titleamp;mdash;it demands a fundamental shift in mindset and approach. lt;emgt;Business Partneringlt;/emgt; is a two-day, immersive course that equips you with the knowledge and skills to build authentic relationships, drive collaboration, and deliver lasting organisational value. By focusing on stakeholder engagement, empathy-driven communication, and a structured approach to maintain partnerships over time, this programme enables you to navigate complexity, break down silos, and achieve meaningful results. Whether youamp;rsquo;re stepping into a partnering role or looking to refine your approach, youamp;rsquo;ll gain the confidence and strategic insight to create high-impact alliances across your;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;