lt;pgt;This course introduces the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that support the data-to-AI lifecycle through AIlt;/pgt;lt;pgt;foundations, AI development, and AI solutions. It explores the [...]
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lt;pgt;This course introduces the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that support the data-to-AI lifecycle through AIlt;/pgt;lt;pgt;foundations, AI development, and AI solutions. It explores the technologies, products, and tools available to build an ML model, an ML pipeline, and a generative AI project. You learn how to build AutoML models without writing a single line of code; build BigQuery ML models using SQL, and build Vertex AI custom training jobs by using Keras and TensorFlow. You also explore data preprocessing techniques and feature;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;lt;stronggt;Who is this training for? lt;/stronggt;lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;This course is intended for the following:lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;Aspiring ML data scientists and engineerslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Data scientists, ML developers, ML engineers, data engineers, data analystslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Google and partner field personnel who work with customers in those job roleslt;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;lt;stronggt;Productslt;/stronggt;lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;Vertex AIlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;AutoMLlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;BigQuery MLlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vertex AI Pipelineslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;TensorFlowlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Model Gardenlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Generative AI Studiolt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Large language model (LLM) APIslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Natural Language APIlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vertex AI Workbenchlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vertex AI Feature Storelt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vizierlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Dataplexlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Analytics Hublt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Data Cataloglt;/ligt;lt;ligt;TensorFlowlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vertex AI TensorBoardlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Dataflowlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Datapreplt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Vertex AI Pipelineslt;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;

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