lt;pgt;As the field of quantum communication continues to evolve and advance, there is a growing need for professionals with the knowledge and skills to tackle the complex challenges and opportunities it;/pgt;lt;pgt;The course [...]
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lt;pgt;As the field of quantum communication continues to evolve and advance, there is a growing need for professionals with the knowledge and skills to tackle the complex challenges and opportunities it;/pgt;lt;pgt;The course covers the fundamental concepts of quantum communication, including the properties of qubits and quantum registers, the manipulation of quantum states through quantum gates, and the principles and implementations of quantum key;/pgt;lt;pgt;Additionally, the course delves into various quantum communication protocols and their respective approaches, and the security challenges in quantum communication, such as attacks against quantum key distribution protocols, and the potential applications and future developments of a quantum;/pgt;lt;pgt;Topics covered in the course;lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;Introduction to quantum communicationlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Qubit and quantum registerlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Quantum gateslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Quantum key distributionlt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Quantum communication protocolslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Quantum key distribution approacheslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Attacks against QKD protocolslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Quantum internetlt;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;

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