lt;p style="text-align: center;"gt;lt;emgt;amp;ldquo;Most people simply donamp;#39;t view going to meetings as doing work.amp;rdquo;lt;br /gt;William Daniels amp;ndash; American Actoramp;emsp;lt;/emgt;lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;Making an impact in [...]
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lt;p style="text-align: center;"gt;lt;emgt;amp;ldquo;Most people simply donamp;#39;t view going to meetings as doing work.amp;rdquo;lt;br /gt;William Daniels amp;ndash; American Actoramp;emsp;lt;/emgt;lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;Making an impact in meetings is incredibly important because it provides you with the opportunity to interact with and influence other;br /gt;People who attend this amp;frac12; day session often ask us:lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;How do I participate in and/or run an effective meeting?lt;/ligt;lt;ligt;How do I handle challenging people in meetings?lt;/ligt;lt;ligt;How do I ensure meetings are productive?lt;/ligt;lt;ligt;How do I ensure meetings are not a waste of time?lt;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;lt;pgt;If you are able you to generate contributions to meetings that will make a real difference and present yourself in a professional manner it will help you build your confidence and take;/pgt;lt;pgt;This session explores different types of meetings, barriers to effective meetings and looks at how you participate and lead a meeting. The session also addresses dealing with distracting tactics in a;/pgt;lt;h4gt;Target audiencelt;/h4gt;lt;pgt;This amp;frac12; day session is suitable for anyone who runs or attends meetings and wishes to enhance their personal;/pgt;

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