Managing IT with DCMM management logic, transforming IT from passive role to innovations department. Course is targeted IT managers who will use DCMM in their IT department.
  • Dĺžka 2 dni
  • 0 ITK bodov
  • 3 termíny
  • Bratislava (1 260 €)

    Brno (na vyžiadanie)

    Praha (18 860 Kč)

Managing IT with DCMM management logic, transforming IT from passive role to innovations department. Course is targeted IT managers who will use DCMM in their IT department.


IT managers, team leaders, CIOs, IT governance specialist. Course is also suitable for consultants who
are aiming to guide their clients through digital transformation driven by DCMM logic and
management patterns.

Course participants will learn how to manage IT with DCMM logic and management patterns.
Course participants will gain knowledge how to balance autonomy of acting and making decisions
where information is not complete, how to adaptively manage through complex chains of activities,
how RBA and ADRA is supporting decision making and visualise resource and benefits balances. Course
is designed to discontinue perception of colleagues as customers, where Customer Experience is
transformed to Collaboration Experience, as inside organisation everyone collaborates.
Related SFIA skills: GOVN – Governance, INOV – Innovation, PEMT – Performance management,
ETMG – Learning and development management, METL – Methods and tools, BPRE – Business
process improvement, BENM – Benefits management

No pre-requisites, recommended self-study book DCMM : Digital Capabilities Management Model,
ISBN: 9781723571923. Recommended courses DCMM Masterclass and DCMM Professional

  • Body of knowledge DCMM : Digital Capabilities Management Model, ISBN: 9781723571923
  • All participants will receive certification about passing the course and will gain Certified DCMM Manager badge ( the price of the certification is included in the price of the course )
  • Course is also availabe online
  • Organizing IT, elimination of shadow IT
  • Stopping acting as a service provider
  • Innovation ecosystems, Digital Capabilities Innovation Board - DCIB
  • RBA on IT department level, Visual management
  • Security and “wrong doings”, analogy of an immune system
  • Information theory and decision making as resources consuming activity
  • Key differences between industrial and knowledge era management
  • Analysis of Knowledge worker quality – KWQI, CLX
  • Complex systems theory and DCMM
  • Exercises – visual management, managing proportions
  • DCMM Certified Manager – Online certification exam
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