Bratislava (2 200 €)
Brno (53 600 Kč)
Praha (53 600 Kč)
In this four-day course, you learn about installation, configuration and administration of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus v10.1.8. This begins with a review of the software features and functions, and the basic requirements, including architecture and data movement, and upgrade of the various components. Then, through lecture and hands-on labs, you learn how to deploy an environment as a virtual appliance or as a set of containers. You add providers and create customized SLA policies with options. You associate providers with policy to protect data in file systems and virtual machines, a variety of applications and databases, and Kubernetes and OpenShift containers. You configure and manage user access to the system and to the providers you protect. You manage jobs, plan and prepare for disaster recovery, view log files for monitoring and troubleshooting, and create custom reports.
Implementers and administrators who are protecting virtual environments, containers and applications in a hybrid cloud environment.
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