Please note that with the speed of updates to SAP Analytics Cloud, we endeavor to update this course quarterly. The course material will be delivered in English. Course based on software release: SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.8 (QRC)
  • SACE11
  • Dĺžka 2 dni
  • 0 ITK bodov
  • 4 termíny
  • Bratislava (na vyžiadanie)

    Brno (na vyžiadanie)

    Praha (26 450 Kč)

Please note that with the speed of updates to SAP Analytics Cloud, we endeavor to update this course quarterly. The course material will be delivered in English. Course based on software release: SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.8 (QRC)

  • Business Users
  • Business Analysts
  • Power Users
  • IT
  • Application Consultants

This course will prepare you to:

  • This course provides a high-level introduction and overview of SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) capabilities as well as applications that interface with SAC. Through expert demonstrations and hands-on exercises or simulations, learners are exposed to data connections, stories, data analyzer, analytic applications, Microsoft Office integration, modelling basics, planning basics, augmented analytics, collaboration, and administration basics.


  • BTP100

Príručka ku kurzu firmy SAP podľa programu kurzu.

  • Getting Started with SAP Analytics Cloud
  • Establishing Data Sources and Connections
  • Using Modelling
  • Using Stories
  • Using Planning
  • Explaining Augmented Analytics in SAC
  • Using Collaboration Features
  • Understanding SAC Integration with Microsoft Office
  • The SAC curriculum was restructured, and new training courses were created to be aligned with the evolution of the product. This course contains most of the content from the former SAC01 training course.
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