This course teaches you the skills that are needed to manage Liberty servers and collectives. The course is designed for application server administrators. You learn how to use the graphical Admin Center and the command line scripting to [...]
  • WA190G
  • Dĺžka 2 dni
  • 0 ITK bodov
  • 2 termíny
  • Bratislava (1 090 €)

    Brno (na vyžiadanie)

    Praha (36 600 Kč)

This course teaches you the skills that are needed to manage Liberty servers and collectives. The course is designed for application server administrators. You learn how to use the graphical Admin Center and the command line scripting to manage servers from a collective controller. The course also covers how to deploy a cluster of packaged servers for Liberty runtimes, view the deployment environment, and view basic performance metrics. You learn how to use the Dynamic Routing feature of Liberty to enable routing of HTTP requests to collective members. You also configure the auto-scaling and health management features for Liberty. Finally, you learn how to secure Liberty and enable SSL communication in Liberty.


This course is designed for administrators of IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the WebSphere Liberty Profile architecture
  • Create a Liberty profile server
  • Use the Admin Center to manage Liberty servers
  • Deploy clusters of Liberty servers
  • Use the collective controller
  • Use Jython scripts to administer Liberty servers
  • Configure Dynamic Routing
  • Configure the auto scaling feature and define auto scaling policies
  • Configure SSL communication in Liberty
  • Use the IBM HTTP and web server plug-in with Liberty servers

Before taking this course, you should have a general knowledge of:

  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
  • Administering web servers and application servers
  • The Ubuntu Linux operating system

Príručka ku kurzu firmy IBM podľa programu kurzu.

  • Course introduction
  • Introduction to Liberty administration and runtime architecture
  • Multi-server management
  • Exercise: Managing Liberty collectives with the Admin Center Administration and application deployment with scripting
  • Exercise: WebSphere Liberty administration by using Jython Scripts Dynamic Routing
  • Exercise: Dynamic Routing Auto-scaling in Liberty
  • Exercise: Auto-scaling Securing Liberty Exercise: Using the IBM HTTP Server with SSL to a Liberty server
  • Course summary
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